Play homegrown retro games and program your own directly on your iPad or iPhone!
This app contains an own BASIC interpreter and a runtime environment, which was inspired by classic computer and game console systems. The graphics system uses custom rendering functions for a virtual screen of 64×64 pixels and 16 colors. Additionally it offers “sprites”, bitmap images layered on top of the standard pixel buffer. The sound system consists of three custom sound generators with different waveforms and modulation effects.
The app also contains a community section with user log-in, profile pages, posted programs, comments/likes etc.
Technologies: iOS 9, Objective-C, UIKit, Core Data, Core Graphics, Core Audio, StoreKit, Parse, Replay Kit, Game Controller, PHP, MySQL
Note: Apple removed the app after three years from the App Store, because it allowed downloading executable code. My games are now available in the LowRes Collection